Episode 198: Snow Crashing Into The Metaverse

For the last 30 years, the real world has been catching up to Neal Stephenson’s vision of the future in his 1992 novel Snow Crash, which influenced the creators of Google Earth, Second Life, Oculus Rift and more. Now the centerpiece of the novel, the virtual world called The Metaverse, may become a daily part of our lives thanks to Facebook (renamed Meta) and other big tech companies. I talk with Meta’s director of A.I. policy Kevin Bankston, Silicon Valley engineer Stephen Pimentel, Australian National University School of Cybernetics director Genevieve Bell, Yale professor Lisa Messeri, and Grace Ng of the DAO Crash Punks about whether it’s a good idea to use a satirical cyberpunk novel as a blueprint for the future. Plus, actor Varick Boyd reads from Snow Crash. 
Snow Crashing Into The Metaverse transcript
  • Accept by Sono Sanctus
  • Cities at Night by Gunnar Johnsén
  • Rich Kids in the ‘80s by DivKid
  • Particle Emission by Silver Maple
  • Stellardrone by In Time
  • Unfoldings by Gunnar Johnsén
  • Within the Documents by Martin Gaulfin
  • Icelandic Arpeggios by DivKid

Episode 199: Mystery Science Theater Reopens


Episode 197: De-Aging Well