Episode 199: Mystery Science Theater Reopens

Mystery Science Theater 3000 or MST3K is back once again. The show was first created by Joel Hodgson, then a stand-up comedian who was ambivalent about the career path laid out in clubs or maybe a sitcom. His premise -- that he and a few robot pals are trapped by mad scientists on a spaceship and forced to watch bad movies – turned the show into a cult classic and helped define a snarky, self-aware sense of humor for pop culture in the ‘90s. I talk with Joel about why he left the initial run of the series, and how he's brought it back on his own streaming service called Gizmoplex. We also explore how his sense of humor has changed, and whether he might have been too harsh on some of the films they lampooned. 
Mystery Science Theater Reopens transcript
  • Lies and How To Survive Them by Sono Sancus

Episode 200: 200 Imaginary Worlds


Episode 198: Snow Crashing Into The Metaverse