Episode 171: The Zen of Sci-Fi

Illusions that mask the true nature of reality. Meditating to gain control over your mind and body. Sending your consciousness to other bodies. These are both tenants of Buddhism and science fiction. Professor Jim Clarke says the overlap is no accident, Buddhism has been influencing sci-fi fantasy creators for over a century. Novelists Ramez Naam and Yudhanjaya Wijeratne talk about how they incorporate Buddhism into their sci-fi stories and personal practices. Also, Reverend Landon Yamaoka discusses why his sect of Buddhism is in line with the troubled journey of Anakin Skywalker.  
The Zen of Sci-Fi transcript
  • Tessalit by Blue Dot Sessions
  • Actual Reality by Lucky Dragons
  • By Lotus by Leaf Edge
  • Awake Through the Night by Sono Sanctus

Episode 172: Weir Science


Episode 170: Becky Chambers Goes Wayfaring