Episode 57: The Man in the High Castle

The Amazon series The Man In the High Castle is based on a 1962 novel by Philip K. Dick, which imagines what would've happened to America if the Axis Powers won World War II. In this scenario, Nazi Germany imposes their ideology on the East Coast and the Midwest, while Japan occupies the West Coast through cultural imperialism. The storytelling from director and producer Dan Percival is top notch, but the production design from Drew Boughton also takes center stage, asking the same disturbing question. How much would we resist fascism? 
Transcript of The Man in the High Castle
  • Imaginary Sunrise by Alexis Cuadrado
  • The Bowed Belfry by Phantom Fauna
  • Imaginary mixdown by Phantom Fauna
  • Masters and Students by Sono Sanctus

Episode 58: Workin’ on the Death Star


Episode 56: Dumbledore’s Army