Episode 10: The Golem and The Jinni

One of my favorite novels of the last few years is "The Golem and The Jinni," by Helene Wecker. It tells the story of two mythological creatures meeting in New York at the dawn of the 20th century. Chava is a Golem, which is a creature made of clay who is built to avenge the Jews (although this Golem looking for a new purpose.) Ahmad is a Jinni, which is the correct Arabic term for a genie. They could be seen as a political allegory, but it's really the story of two immigrants to the human race. 
Transcript of The Golem and The Jinni
  • I Shall Be Removed by KEN
  • Yiddish Inspiration by James Wingrove
  • ​Tendrils in Vigne by Gregg Kowalsky
  • ​Designing Fjords by Sono Sanctus

Episode 11: Sexy Robots


Episode 09: Joss Whedon ‘07