Episode 272: Pokémon and The Art of Dubbing Anime

This week’s episode comes from our Patreon podcast Between Imaginary Worlds. It’s a more casual chat show that appears between ad-free episodes of Imaginary Worlds for listeners who support the show on Patreon. I wanted to play this episode for you because it gives a good sense of the types of conversations we’re having on Between Imaginary Worlds. I talk with the anime voice actress Veronica Taylor about her career dubbing characters in shows like Pokémon, Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon, One Piece and Yu-Gi-Oh. We also discuss the differences between working with anime and working with American cartoons, like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Here is the link to support the show on Patreon.
 Transcript of Pokémon and The Art of Dubbing Anime
This episode is sponsored by ShipStation. Go to shipstation.com and use the code IMAGINARY to sign up for your FREE trial. 
  • Looking for Something by Sanctus 
  • Between Imaginary Worlds theme by Sanctus

Episode 271 - Filk Fusion: Where Sci-Fi Meets Folk Music