Episode 196: Neurodivergent Futures

One of the most common requests I've gotten over the years has been to do an episode about why so many autistic people are drawn towards science fiction, and these suggestions have come from listeners who are autistic or have autistic children. Fiction writer Ada Hoffmann, writer and professor Dora Raymaker, YouTube presenter Quinn Dexter, and author and professor Nick Walker, who also co-runs the publishing company Autonomous Press have each given this subject a lot of thought. Their experiences and perspectives as autistic sci-fi fans and creators overlapped in many ways, from the joy of complex worldbuilding, to identifying with fictional characters like Data or Spock, to wanting to imagine a future where aliens, humans and A.I. can coexist without a hierarchy of neurotypical perspectives. Also featuring actress Shannon Tyo reading passages from Ada and Dora’s novels.
Neurodivergent Futures transcript
  • Footsteps on Alden by Blue Dot Sessions
  • Icelandic Arpeggios by DivKid
  • A Draft of Cold Air by Sono Sanctus
  • Gudrun by Phantom Fauna
  • Rick in the ‘80s by Div Kid

Episode 197: De-Aging Well


Episode 195: Nosferatu Live