Episode 161: Monsters of 2020

2020 has felt monstrous on so many levels. So, it’s no coincidence that two of the top grossing movies of the year were Jaws and Jurassic Park, mostly seen at drive-in theaters. Alex Shepard explains why the shark in Jaws embodied our feeling of a dread, and how the Mayor of Amity Island seemed to be the embodiment of every leader who dismissed the seriousness of COVID. Sean T. Collins explores whether the real villain of Jurassic Park was not the dinosaurs but capitalism. And I talk with journalist Rae Paoletta, along with my assistant producer Stephanie Billman, about the most insidious monster of 2020 -- the shady but adorable real estate tycoon Tom Nook who put every Animal Crossing player in debt to him. 
Transcript of Monsters of 2020
  • Delta Ragnarock Minor by Sono Sanctus
  • Limits by Magnus Moore
  • A Sunny Day in Winter by Sono Sanctus
  • Sonja's Interns by Verified Picasso
  • Tom Nook (Animal Crossing rap) by BlackLynk, G.Yee and OmarCameUp

Episode 162: Making Up Creatures (Special Edition)


Episode 160: Fan Films Go Pro