Episode 92: Living in Space

People have fantasized for ages about what it would be like to live in space. If Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos achieve their goals with Space X and Blue Origin, life in space might not be science fiction any more. I look at two different dreams of living outside the Earth and how close they are to becoming reality, from the impossibly curved space habitats of Gerard K. O'Neill to a city on the moon that might split apart. Featuring Robert Smith of the Space Studies Institute, artist Don Davis, and performers Jose Gonzales and Camille Hartmetz at the ASU CSI event Emerge.
Living in Space
Music List
  • New England is Interesting by BOPD
  • Imaginary Mixdown by Phantom Fauna
  • Apoira by Phanton Fauna
  • ​Gudrun by Phantom Fauna
  • ​Masters and Students by Sono Sanctus
  • ​The Deep Web by Sono Sanctus
  • Tam by LJ Kruzer

Episode 93: Jack Kirby’s Marvels


Episode 91: Visions of Philip K. Dick