Episode 175: Living in a Simulation

Is it possible that we are living in an imaginary world? That is the premise of many science fiction stories, but some scientists have begun to wonder whether it’s not a fantasy. Perhaps what we think of as reality is a computer simulation and we’re basically just advanced versions of The Sims and don’t know it. I talk with video games entrepreneur Rizwan Virk about what advanced civilization might be lurking outside our reality, and how he draws upon real physics, The Matrix and Philip K. Dick to prove The Simulation Hypothesis in his book. And we’ll hear one of my favorite stories from the podcast Snap Judgment, where the journalist Stephanie Foo creates a version of herself in The Sims and discovers eerie parallels to her own life. 
Living in a Simulation transcript
  • Cyberpunk Underscore by Sono Sanctus
  • Hidden Room by Anthony Earls
  • Traversing the Waters by Sono Sanctus
  • Aporia by Phantom Fauna
  • Sonja’s Interns by Verified Picasso

Episode 176: Reporting on Capes, Cowls, Threats and Menaces


Episode 174: Guilty Pleasures