Episode 173: Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium has been called one of the best role-playing video games of all time. It's won a slew of awards and it’s a worldwide best-seller -- which is odd because the game wasn’t put out by a big studio. It was made by a group of friends in Estonia who had very little experience making video games. And this detective game is just as much about politics and the existential nature of reality as it is about solving a murder. I talk with Justin Keenan, one of the few American writers on the crew, along with game critic Paul Walker-Emig and game developer and former critic Heather Alexandra about why Disco Elysium is a revolutionary game that also reflects the moment of history we’re living through.  
Disco Elysium transcript
  • Unanswered Questions by Kevin MacLeod
  • And We Walk After by Trevor Kowalski
  • Name’s Peace by August Wilhelmsson
  • Reverse by Silver Maple
  • Chill Out by Anders Ekengren

Episode 174: Guilty Pleasures


Episode 172: Weir Science