Episode 208: Befriend The Reaper

One of the most common tropes in fantasy genres is personifying Death – turning this abstract and often terrifying concept into a character that people can interact with. Sometimes Death is portrayed as a Grim Reaper, but Death doesn’t have to be grim. Death can be compassionate, and even funny. And more often in recent years, Death has been depicted as someone with deeply ambivalent feelings about their job. I talk with listeners about their favorite portrayals of Death from Discworld to Sandman to Dead Like Me, and why imagining Death as a character changed the way they felt about death and grief.  
Befriend The Reaper transcript
  • Retrospective by Victor Lundberg
  • Poverty Island by Sono Sanctus
  • The Broker by Blue Dot Sessions
  • Endurance by Aerin

Episode 209: Generation VTube


Episode 207: Postcolonial Worlds